Sunday, February 03, 2008


Place Your Bets...on the Commercials!

It's that time of year again- the Super Bowl is back and with it are the most expensive commercials of the year. Some are no doubt duds, but every once in a while, a real winner comes through. Remember the Pepsi commercial with Cindy Crawford back in the day? How about Nissan's Barbie and G.I. Joe commercial a few years back? Well, if you're like me, then you only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. After tonight's broadcast, I'll let you know which commercial tickled my fancy. You do the same in the comments!


I'm Baaaaccckkk!

Yes, yes, it has been a long time, but I've decided to resurrect this blog from the dead. Even though the TV landscape has changed a lot, especially with the recent writers' strike, I still love what's on my TV! So, this one's for the love of my flatscreen...

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