Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dr. Horrible has an Online air Date!!!

Dear Friends,
At last the time has come to reveal to you our Master Plan. BEWARE! Those with weak hearts should log off lest they be terrified by the twisted genius of our schemes! Also pregnant women and the elderly should consider reading only certain sentences. Do not mix with other blogs. Do not operate heavy machinery while reading this blog. You must be this tall to read. ‘Kay?
It is time for us to change the face of Show Business as we know it. You know the old adage, “It’s Show Business – not Show Friends”? Well now it’s Show Friends. We did that. To Show Business. To show Show Business we mean business. (Also, there are now other businesses like it.)
"Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog" will be streamed, LIVE (that part’s not true), FREE (sadly, that part is) right on, in mid-July. Specifically:
ACT ONE (Wheee!) will go up Tuesday July 15th.
ACT TWO (OMG!) will go up Thursday July 17th.
ACT THREE (Denouement!) will go up Saturday July 19th.
All acts will stay up until midnight Sunday July 20th. Then they will vanish into the night, like a phantom (but not THE Phantom – that’s still playing. Like, everywhere.)
Get ready for all the NPH and Fillion goodness your minds can handle!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sarah Walker: Cougar?

Neil Patrick Harris: Prescription for Success
Neil Patrick Harris is now shilling for Old Spice. In this amusing commercial, the former Doogie Howser, M.D., shares his prescription for success. I must say, it's nice to see the Barnacle joke about his past roles.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Chuck gets a 'Simple' Guest Star

Nicole Ritchie's nannies are about to start working overtime. The former Simple Life star is set to appear on NBC's Chuck next season. The new mommy will play an old high school nemesis of Sarah's. The two meet up again at a high school reunion. While I applaud Ritchie's lofty acting goals, doesn't this spot of casting news reek of retread considering Lindsay Lohan's guest turn on Ugly Betty? Oh, stunt casting, when will it end...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
If you haven't heard about Joss Whedon's online musical project, be sure to check out the teaser video above. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog stars Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion. Neil plays a wannabe supervillain who fights with Fillion's Captain Hammer. Felicia Day stars as NPH's love interest who he meets in a laundromat. And Simon Helberg from Big Bang Theory also appears in the project.
The cast and creators are also scheduled to appear at Comic Con on June 25th.
I don't know about you guys, but having heard Neil sing before, I'm gaga giddy over this latest Whedon-verse collaboration. Not to mention Barney Stinson's no stranger to a BLOG!
Chuck Bass: Could those Shorts Be Any Shorter?

Who wears short shorts? That's right, Chuck Bass does. At least when he's cavorting in the Hamptons. Gossip Girl's resident obligatory jackass shows off legs worthy of a Nair commercial while out and about.
Do you think his latest fashion acquisition is worthy of the Bass name? Or do prefer him in ascots and tomato-colored raincoats? And what does Blair thing of those sexy gams? Sound off in the comments...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
On the Border...
But seriously, when she meets up with Guillermo, he and his crew gift her with a Jesus bobblehead doll for her dashboard. And then he tells her to cross the border to get her taillight fixed at a mechanic shop with a horse head design. So much for GPS. Nancy miraculously finds the shop and finds out she's gonna learn nothing about where they're stashing the drugs she's supposedly trafficking.
As for where the plot is going, the episode had an answer for that too. Nowhere fast. As evidenced by Nancy's 2-hour wait in the line to return to the US. She waited and waited and all we got was a funny little scene with her peeing in a plastic cup in the backseat of her car. And oh yeah, she got in trouble for not bringing her passport. Um, genius. Well after all that trouble, she learned that this entire trip was just to see how she'd react to the border patrol. And yes, Jesus is watching. Especially since the bobblehead in her car was actually a video camera. Hah! Nancy got incredibly pissed to which Guillermo responded with a tasteless joke about how the men who helped cause 9-11 weren't flying in airplanes for the first time that day. If that isn't the most blatant attempt at foreshadowing, I don't know what is.
Meanwhile, back in what was left of Agrestic, Celia is still behind bars and now with a street-worthy makeover (see above picture), most likely from her cellmate, Cheetah. And according to her lawyer, she's "f--ked like a stray cat in Chinatown." No one seems to really care about her in prison including her daughter, Isabel. That is until Mr. DEA Agent turns up with a picture of Nancy and Guillermo. Looks like someone's starting to believe in Celia's innocence.
And may I say, the inclusion of Albert Brooks as Judah and Andy's dad is a pure stroke of brilliance. His addiction to betting on horses, his open hatred of Andy and his ridiculous habit of not remembering people's names [Andy is not-Judah!]is hilarious. It's clear that all the tension in the beach house is going to come to a head at some point this season, but for now, seeing Andy seeth and tell Shane he's better off without a dad is both amusing and sad. Oh, and then there's Bubbi, who gets off the ventilator long enough to say, "Kill me," in Yiddish. Next week's previews show us she just might get her wish with Nancy playing the role of Dr. Kavorkian.