When you're scrambling through couch cushions for the remote to switch the channel to MTV's The Hills, you know it's summer...
and that you're getting desperate for quality television. Well, it's no secret. I am not a fan of The Hills. It is hardly quality, and to take it a step further, it is no one's reality. Last night's episode revolved around whether Heidi would get a job or stay in school. Now, there is no drama like a stupid rich girl making her way in the world. And if after a season of camera's following her, she can parlay her own spinoff series--oh wait, it's already been done.
Well then, I ask, if Heidi can get a job, why are there any other unemployed people in this world? I would venture a guess that the camera in front of Party Planner Brent's face hypnotized him into offering her his second assistant position. That, and her incredibly believable assertion that she would offer "as little as possible" drama. Hey, talk about a "dream job"!
# posted by AsSeenOnTV @ 5:18 PM