By now, you've heard that Ben Whofleck might actually be able to act, especially considering the buzz surrounding his role in tomorrow's movie release,
Hollywoodland. And it turns out Jessica Biel isn't just badgirl eyecandy as evidenced in her performance in
The Illusionist. So, this got me thinking, who else can break through the paparazzi barriers and treacly primetime prisons to prove they've got the acting chops that Oscar dreams are made of? In other words, who are we underestimating?

If I were to make an intelligent guess (because let's be honest, I'm not gonna sit around watching crap to gauge moments of brilliance), I'd say keep an eye out for Sarah Ramos. She may be young, but with roles in
American Dreams and the CW's upcoming
Runaway, she's got a decent amount of experience under her belt. And while she tends to play annoying little sisters, she can still make you feel sympathy for her situation. And since I predict
Runaway won't last past a few episodes, she'll be free to move onto juicier big screen roles that won't involve her hawking Campbell's Soup.
# posted by AsSeenOnTV @ 11:09 PM