Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Television Critics Awards

Steve Carell (The Office)
Stephen Colbert (The Colbert Report)
Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls)
Jason Lee (My Name Is Earl)
Jon Stewart (The Daily Show)
Alan Alda (The West Wing)
James Gandolfini (The Sopranos)
Hugh Laurie (House)
Kiefer Sutherland (24)
Kyra Sedgwick (The Closer)
Big Love (HBO)
The Colbert Report (Comedy Central)
Everybody Hates Chris (UPN)
My Name Is Earl (NBC)
Prison Break (Fox)
The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
Everybody Hates Chris (UPN)
My Name Is Earl (NBC)
The Office (NBC)
Scrubs (NBC)
Grey's Anatomy (ABC)
House (Fox)
Lost (ABC)
The Sopranos (HBO)
24 (Fox)
Grey's Anatomy (ABC)
Lost (ABC)
The Office (NBC)
The Sopranos (HBO)
24 (Fox)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Madison's Back?

Monday, May 29, 2006
Goodbye, Love

Harold reminisces about his first meeting with Irv, which included asking for Edna's hand in marriage. He ended his eulogy with, "He will be missed. May he rest in peace." Damn it...Irv and Everwood will be missed, Harold.
During a car ride to the wake, Nina gets nervous about leaving Everwood with Jake. Ephram takes this opportunity to tell Nina about the engagement ring that Dr. Brown bought for her. He flashes back to when Andy first shows him the ring, and tells him that he has no intention of giving it to Nina. Ephram asks what the point would be and Andy responds, "What would that be like? Writing a postcard every day and not sending it?" (Oh, sarcastic family, it's like we were separated at birth!)
Meanwhile, Bright's flashback shows what an important role Irv had on his recent life decisions. After a tough time with the sexual harrassment issue last year, he and Irv bonded over coffee and bathrobes. Irv kept him from joining the Army to be less than he could be and instead enroll in ECC and opened his eyes to possibilities with Hannah.
And in perhaps the most touching of the flashbacks, Amy remembers when she lived at Irv and Edna's in Season 2. She reminisces about a late night walk with Ephram when they discussed soulmates. Ephram gave an impassioned monologue about how Amy would find her soulmate and he would probably be someone who's probably standing right in front of her (wonder who that could be?).
The second to last episode of the season (and yes, I suppose series) ended with Edna seeing and saying goodbye to Irv with heavy sobs.
Edna: "We deserved more time."
Irv: "We had a lifetime."
The same could be said of Everwood. Unfortunately, it'll be a lifetime of memories.
And the promos make it clear: Everwood's SERIES finale airs next Monday, June 5th for 2 hours beginning at 8 p.m.
Memorial Day: Everwood style

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Gilmore Girls catches a break but puts another nail in Everwood's coffin

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Final pics
Alrighty, so here's some more pics from the CW upfronts courtesy of my buddy, Sarah. Mad props, hon!
Left: Jared Padalecki greeting fans

Right: Tom Welling's 1000 watt smile

Left: Michael Rosenbaum with HAIR!

Left: Jared Padalecki greeting fans

Right: Tom Welling's 1000 watt smile

Left: Michael Rosenbaum with HAIR!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Kristin Bell: Sexiest Vegetarian!

As a fellow "granola-lover", KB, I applaud you! Yeah!!!
For more info on the poll winners, go to PETA's website
Cw Upfronts: Gilmore Edition
So, as you may have heard, I was stalking sightseeing at the CW upfronts last week. And what a sight I saw! I was on celebrity cloud 9. Aside from the cast of Veronica Mars, I got to meet several cast members from Gilmore Girls. Can you guess how I'll be spending my Tuesday nights come this fall? And now I can imagine that I face the same dilemma as Lorelai: Luke or Christopher.
First I met David Sutcliffe, who was super nice and very friendly with a lot of fans. Someone behind me asked him if he and Lorelai were going to end up together and unfortunately, he decided to be coy and keep us fans
Scott Patterson was a little more blunt about what would happen next season. He said, "I don't have any control over that." O-kay there, Scottie...that's the fighting spirit that'll win back Lorelai. (snark ;)
Be sure to check back as I will post more general photos from the cast of Supernatural and other CW shows soon


Be sure to check back as I will post more general photos from the cast of Supernatural and other CW shows soon
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Betty, the Ugly?

Friday, May 19, 2006
My Moment of VM Fame

The Veronica Mars cast was rockin'. First up was Enrico Colantoni, to whom I said that I was so nervous about whether VM would get renewed and that I was ecstatic when it did. Well, I must have looked seriously emotional about it, because Daddy Mars then proceeded to give me a HUG!!! I think I just about died from happiness right there. Well, in addition to the hug (what a fatherly move!) I got a quick pic with my favorite ex-sheriff.

Also, stay tuned for Part 2 of my CW upfronts ruminations. I'll have pics and info with some of the Gilmore Girls cast.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Everwood Could Have Been on The CW

CW Upfronts..and Celeb Sighting!!!
How star-crazed delirious am I? (I never used to be this way!) I just met three of my favorite cast members from Veronica Mars!!!!! Enrico Colantoni, Jason Dohring and yes, yes, Veronica herself, Kristin Bell. They were all parading out to the CW upfronts and I even got a hug from Enrico!!! And did I mention the mini-convo I had with Jason? We discussed the briefcase...hmmmm, and he thinks he knows what's in it! Photos and more info coming soon...
UPDATE: Here's a little teaser from Jason on clues to what is in the suitcase: "Apparently, if you watch the all the episodes, there's something that wasn't tied up by the end."
So, who else is gonna be watching every ep frame by frame, huh?
UPDATE: Here's a little teaser from Jason on clues to what is in the suitcase: "Apparently, if you watch the all the episodes, there's something that wasn't tied up by the end."
So, who else is gonna be watching every ep frame by frame, huh?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
CBS Fall Schedule

It doesn't really rank high on my list of what to watch, but since CBS is the #1 network in viewership, I'm guessing it's got a few eyes on it (yeah, I know, bad pun). There aren't a lot of surprises; just a huge pile on of CSIs. Here's the 2006-2007 lineup that came out this morning at the upfronts:
(N=New, NT=New Time, all times ET/PT)
8:30-9:00 PM THE CLASS (N)
10:00-11:00 PM CSI: MIAMI
8:00-9:00 PM NCIS
9:00-10:00 PM THE UNIT
10:00-11:00 PM SMITH (N)
8:00-9:00 PM JERICHO (N)
10:00-11:00 PM CSI: NY
8:00-9:00 PM SURVIVOR
10:00-11:00 PM SHARK (N)
9:00-10:00 PM CLOSE TO HOME
10:00-11:00 PM NUMB3RS
10:00-11:00 PM 48 HOURS: MYSTERY
7:00-8:00 PM 60 MINUTES
9:00-10:00 PM COLD CASE (NT)
10:00-11:00 PM WITHOUT A TRACE (NT)
No More Everwood...

Full Frontal Upfronts

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Veronica Mars Renewed!!!

Holy Grey's!

OK, so the surgical interns banded together to keep Izzie from getting kicked out of the program after she cut Denny's LVAD wire. And then, despite it feeling like they were cheating to save someone's life, Denny got a new heart and asked Izzie to marry him, Unfortunately, there will be no trip to the alter since Denny DIED. What the heck!?! (And my cynical mind also says what a waste of that heart.)
Burke tries to lean on Christina emotionally, but she can't handle it. She chickens out of comforting him during his surgery, but it looks like he'll be shouting scalpel soon enough. And she does hold his hand at the end of the ep. Baby steps, Yang, baby steps.
Meredith and Derrick mourn the death of their dog, and use the prom to do what most horny teenagers do on prom night: give each other soulful glances and lose their underwear. After they do the deed, they go back to their respective dates (SheShepherd for Der and O'Dreamy for Mer). And for the final moments, we're left staring at an actual triangle as Derrick and Finn call out Meredith's name and our emotionally unstable "main character" stares into summer oblivion. Well folks, consider yourselves cliffhanged.
Catch-up with the Upfronts!

Today's upfront watercooler talk was courtesy of ABC. The fabulous alphabet is making a bold move by moving Grey's Anatomy to Thursday nights at 9 p.m. That's some stiff competition for CSI, NBC's new show, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and possibly Fox's The. O.C. I for one, am sticking with Grey's wherever it goes. For more on ABC's lineup, click here. Up tomorrow is CBS, and Thursday offers us the much-anticipated lineup on the new CW. (Please, please, please let Veronica Mars and Everwood be on it!) More news as I hear it...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Beaver Did It!

Alright, to lessen the pain of waiting to hear whether this show gets picked up or not, check out these links below for some great interviews with show creator, Rob Thomas, and Veronica herself, Kristin Bell.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Only the Lonely...

For Reid, ending his downward spiral of depression and loneliness means trying to take his own life. He swallows a fistful of pills after getting expelled from the medical program at A&M. Ephram finds him before it's too late and rushes him to the hospital. But, despite saving Reid's life, Ephram blames himself for not seeing the signs of depression.
Bright continues mooning over his mistakes with Hannah and seeks to end his loneliness by buying back her love. He gets a necklace and offers it to Hannah with a weak plea to get back together. Hannah finally finds her backbone and makes me proud by telling Bright, "This is such bullcrap!"
But alas, Hannah's strength is just a shell hiding a lonely, angry girl. Rose helps her face some of her issues by offering her a punching pillow and a shoulder to cry on. And finally, Hannah has a heart-to-heart with the one person who's loved her since birth- her mom.
As for Nina, her loneliness has become a recurring issue with all of Jake's business trips. After a dinner at the Browns, Andy and Nina share an intimate moment during which Nina asks if it's possible to love two people at the same time. (Sure, if you're greedy, Nina.) When Jake returns early (because he missed Nina), she offers up a guilty smile and gives me hope that Jake will soon be out of the picture. Hah!
So, what do you guys think about next week? Think Hannah's new guy looks a little too much like Bright for her own good (did we learn nothing from Friends' Russ)? Is Bright gonna be OK after that accident? Will everyone finally stop being lonely?
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Lost Interview Found

Alrighty, my little losties...getting ready for tonight's offering? Are you hearing rumblings of this season's finale being called The Challah? Well, while you're TIVOing to your hearts content, check out this interview with the show's executive producers, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. And all you Veronica Mars fans (especially those of us twiddling ours thumbs during the third preemption in a row this week-damn Nets!), be sure to read the last question!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The Good and the Bad...for some.

On the flipside, Reuters reports that the ABC legal drama (and I'm using that term loosely), Boston Legal, has been renewed for a third season. The David E. Kelley show has only received modest ratings, but Emmy nominations for its two male leads, James Spader and William Shatner.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Truths and Lies...

Meanwhile, the Abbotts' pursuit of adoption hits a snag when Dr. Abbott's lies about Rose's health start to surface again. It seems you can't alter medical files to delete any mention of your wife's cancer (in case you didn't already know). So, the baby the Abbotts were about to adopt will have to stay in Africa and just hope Angelina Jolie sees his adorable face.
And poor ol' Reid puts himself through hell, all because he's lying to himself. The pre-med major with failing grades shows some initiative by getting himself an internship at Jake's office. Alas, it's to no avail as he gets kicked out of the med program at Colorado A&M.
And finally, in a forboding plotline, Irv and Edna visit his estranged daughter, Cassie, (Nia Long) in San Diego while doing a book tour. Edna finds out that Cassie hates her for taking her father away. But father and daughter resolve years of lies and secrets when Cassie invites Irv to his grandaughter's birthday. Gulp. I hope Irv makes it to the party!
(SPOILER: It's never a good sign when you resolve issues and look forward to the future when your show is promoting a big death!)
Doctor Vocabulary